Wednesday, March 17, 2010

no more trips to Walgreens for toothpaste!

Let me start by saying I am NOT an employee of, nor are they my client. I'm just a really happy customer! Although I love grocery shopping, I'm not thrilled by random and annoying trips to the store just for little things I run out of (i.e. toilet paper, soap, etc). Enter: (as in--Everyone needs their own Alice, or the maid from The Brady Bunch).

If you're like me and you don't have a Wal-Mart with everyday low prices within a 20-minute radius or you're morally opposed to shopping there, this is the perfect solution! The prices might not always be as low as WallyWorld, but they're quite close. And it's a million times more convenient. It took me about three orders to finally accept that there isn't a catch. Here's what you should know:

* you always have to order at least 6 items
* BUT--then shipping is free
* the selection isn't perfect, but it's better than you'd think
* you can search by what coupons are available
* they ship your order in a pretty blue box to your office or home in a couple of days

Now--be SURE that if you're ever going to use this service, you sign up using this link or by clicking the banner to the left.
<---that one

If you do, then you'll get $10 automatically plopped into your account (but only if you've been referred). They don't give it to you until you prove your loyalty by spending your first $50. This just happened with me, and I guess they trust me now!

Have fun exploring and shopping!

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